Thursday, June 14, 2012

First Month

Before my sweet, little boy turns FOUR months next week I am going to try and go back and post on the first three months! 

 I do not remember much from the first month of Parker's life.  I think this was due to sleep deprivation and trying to figure out how to be a good mommy.  All I can say is there is nothing that can prepare you for taking care of a newborn and becoming a mommy.  Becoming a mother was a HUGE adjustment for me and really took me about six weeks to feel as if I had the hang of it.  Below is a list of what I remember from the first month!

1. Crying....... both him and ME!  Not sure who cried more but I am pretty sure I gave him a run for his money.  Just want to say thank you to my wonderful husband and amazing mom for getting me through all my tears.
2. Sleeping...... I know he did but I do not remember sleeping myself!
3. Bottles and Feedings..... seemed as if I was feeding him all day.
4. Trying my best to find time to shower.
5. Calling my mom A LOT!
6. Trying to find time to pick up the house and do laundry.
7. Not having to cook thanks to all the wonderful people who brought us food.
8. Worrying about every little thing that pertained to making sure Parker was okay.
9. Loving on a sweet baby and thanking God for him everyday.

  I started this blog with the intention of being upfront and honest.  The first month was very difficult and trying for me.  There were many days I thought to myself I am not sure if I can do this.  There were times I felt as if I would only have one child and yes there was one day I told my mom I was ready to go back to work!   However, I know now that I am cut out for this, I am already looking forward to the day God will hopefully bless me with another child, and I LOVE spending my days with Parker.  Some people might say that being a first time mom was easy and wonderful but you will not hear that from me!  What you will hear me say is YES IT IS HARD but it WILL get easier.  I know God has blessed me with a wonderful and beautiful child and has given my the honor of being a mommy.  I treasure this honor and love Parker more than anything.