Monday, May 7, 2012

Parker Holt Northington's Birth Story

      For some reason around 36 weeks I started to believe that Parker would come early and I would not make it to 40 weeks.  Maybe because at 36 weeks I was 1cm dilated.  Well Parker had a different idea!  My due date (February 15th) came and went and Parker had still not made his arrival.  Dr. Heaton and I had already arranged for me to be induced on Monday, February 20th if he was not here by then.  I had my 40 week appointment on Thursday, February 16th.  It was a routine appointment until Dr. Heaton went to check me.  I will never forget what she said...... "He is no longer head down!"  I started laughing and said "Are you sure?"  At first I thought she was just joking around with me (Dr. Heaton has a GREAT sense of humor.  One reason why I LOVE her).  She started laughing as well and said "I am pretty positive, but lets do an ultrasound just to make sure."  So off to the ultrasound room!!!  This made me happy because I got to see my little man one more time.  Well Dr. Heaton was right, he was indeed feet down and was measuring to have a BIG head.  Parker was already showing he had a mind of his own by deciding to turn around in the last week.  So Dr. Heaton and I decided to change my scheduled induction on Monday to a scheduled C-section.  At first I was a little bummed but was a little happy about having a C-section.  I know that sounds crazy but for some reason pushing a baby out scared me more than being cut open.  So I left knowing that he would be here Monday.  Lyle and I had one last weekend to ourselves.  I just knew he would stay put until Monday (or so I thought).  Lyle and I enjoyed the weekend and even went on one last date Saturday night.

   Well Sunday, February 19th rolled around.  Lyle had to be at work at 5:30am so I woke up to see him off.  I got back in the bed but was woken up by some pains around 6:00am.  I was a little worried at first because it was something I had not felt my whole pregnancy (my whole pregnancy I never experienced any type of contractions!).  I started to realize that I was having contractions!!!  They were not that bad so I tried to go back to sleep.  Around 6:30am I realized I was not going to fall asleep so I woke up and called my mom.  I told her the contractions were pretty consistent about being 5-7 minutes apart but only lasted around 30 seconds.  They also were not that intense.  We decided to go ahead and call the hospital and see if they wanted me to come in due to him being breech and me having a C-section.  I called up there and she told me to come on in.  I decided I would just wait.  In the meantime I had called Lyle and told him about my contractions but there was no need for him to leave work.  I got up and took a shower (thank goodness) and put some last minute things in my bag.  I put on some pajamas and hoped back in the bed :)  Well about this time Lyle had called and said he was coming home anyways (thank goodness) I said that was fine.  He got home and put his clothes in a bag.  We decided to go on up to St. Vincent's (Where Babies Come From!!)  I was lying in the bed and he said he was going to call his parents and tell them what was going on (they live 2 hours away).  I called my mom and told her we were going to go on up there.  Well at about that time MY WATER BROKE!!!!  I jumped out of the bed yelling to Lyle that my water had just broken.  I was standing there with my legs crossed and Lyle was frantically trying to get the bags in the car.  I was LAUGHING and Lyle was freaking out!!!!  It was quite funny :)  Finally I jumped in the bathtub because my water was still coming out.  I finally looked at Lyle and said I need a towel.  He got me one and then I sat there and debated about changing clothes before we left.  I decided that they would be soaking wet too, by the time we got there so what was the point?
I want to stop here for a minute and mention that NO ONE TELLS YOU WHAT IT IS LIKE TO HAVE YOUR WATER BREAK.  I was in complete shock at how much fluid comes out.  I soaked through 4 big towels before we even got there. 
Back to the story..... so we got in the car and called the hospital to tell them we were on our way.  I was on the phone with my mom the whole time there.  I was still having contractions and they were getting a little bit more intense.  We finally got to the hospital and they immediately allowed me to go into a room and change clothes.  I didn't even have to sign in.  It was very funny..... see when we got there, there was another couple signing in.  The nurse looked at me and said why don't you go on into that room and I will sign you in because I can see you are having issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yea I was leaking fluid like it was a flood :)  Another funny side comment: When I got to the nurses station I realized I had never put on a bra!!!!!  So I go into a room and change into a gown.  The nurses came in and checked just to make sure he was still breech.  They then asked me when I had eaten last.  Well due to the fact I had not eaten since 7pm the night before they said I would be taken back in 30 minutes to have my C-section.  WHAT 30 MINUTES!!!!!  I was freaking out.... my mom was not even there yet!  So Lyle and I got ready to go meet our son.  When they wheeled me back there Lyle and I were the only ones there.  My mom was still not there.... this caused me to almost cry.  I really wanted to see my mom before I had surgery.  Luckily she got there in time and they allowed her to come back in the surgery room and kiss me.  That was all I needed!
I of course cannot tell you much about the "delivery" due to I could not see anything.  All I know was Lyle was by myside and I could feel tugging on my belly.  After about 10 minutes Parker Holt Northington was born!  He started crying the moment they got him out.  I got to see him and then they got him all cleaned up and checked him out.  During this time the doctors were closing me up.  After what seemed like forever I finally got to hold my sweet little boy and really get a good look at him.  I was then rolled back to my room with Parker in my arms.  We got back to a regular room and everyone got to meet the cutest baby around!

   Overall, my delivery process lasted a total of 4 hours and 29 minutes from the first contraction to his birth.  It was a wonderful experience and a whirlwind.  I had a great stay in the hospital and loved the care I got at St. Vincents!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Overall I had a WONDERFUL pregnancy.  My whole pregnancy was by the book (my doctor even used that phrase several times).  In the beginning I was only sick, sick a couple of times.  It was a HORRIBLE feeling.  There was even one time I might of said that I would never get pregnant again :)  I am not very good at being a happy person while feeling sick to your stomach.  The good thing was that it was summer and I was not working.  So I could lay around!  I was also exhausted in the beginning and had BAD indigestion.  By the time school started back up I was in the second trimester and felt like a new person.  Second trimester flew by and I really did feel wonderful.  Two major things happened during the second trimester 1) We found out we were having a BOY!!!!  2) We had our first and only problem.  During our 4D ultrasound they discovered something abnormal.  They thought it was an amniotic band at first (which is very scary and can be dangerous to the baby) so they sent me to UAB to get a "fancy" ultrasound.  Off we went very scared.... however luckily it turned out to be something different.  It was actually a uterine septum.  I was born with it and really would present no problems to the baby.  (A side note.... my OB does want me to have it removed before I get pregnant again due to it can cause miscarriages.  She was surprised we had no problems with it in this pregnancy)  The third trimester went well too.  Towards the end I was VERY tired and got a little uncomfortable.  It was hard to get comfortable sitting on the couch and getting up.  My feet never swelled and I was able to work up till he was born.  I was also also able to wear most of my tops throughout my pregnancy!  I feel very blessed to have had a great and easy going pregnancy!  I will be honest and say that being pregnant was not that much fun (even though I had a great pregnancy).  You always hear people say how they LOVE being pregnant..... not me.  The only thing I loved was feeling him move around inside of me and that was all.

I just want to give huge thank you to my WONDERFUL and AMAZING doctor, Dr. Allison Heaton at Henderson and Walton.  I absolutely LOVE her and trust her.  She made the whole process fun and relaxing.  She has a great personality that matches mine and she is not afraid to tell you the truth.  I am really sad I will not get to see her on a monthly basis.  I almost want to get pregnant right away just so I get to see her.  It was really sad when I realized at my last appointment that I was not going to get to see her every month.  But on the bright side.... I will get to see her later this year when I have surgery to remove the septum.  Never thought I would look forward to having surgery!  THANK YOU DR. HEATON..... YOU ARE A SPECIAL PERSON!  

Scroll past the pictures for a fun Pregnancy Likes/Dislikes!

9 Weeks
13 Weeks
16 Weeks
20 Weeks
31 Weeks
38 Weeks
40 Weeks


Pregnancy Likes:
1. Shopping for baby stuff!!!
2. Feeling him move inside my belly!
3. Telling everyone
4. Having the best excuse to eat like you want and no one could say anything!
5. Having an excuse to not do things like clean the house
6. My sweet kindergarten students asking me sweet and funny questions about "Baby Parker" 

Pregnancy Dislikes:
1. Indigestion
2. Morning/Afternoon/Evening Sickness
3. Not fitting into your clothes.... and it was not fun shopping for clothes
4. Having to go through about 10 different outfits before you finally find something that looks decent
5. Having to use the bathroom
6. Feeling like a roly poly by the third trimester
7. Having to wait in the doctors office once a month (even though I loved my doctor)
8. Running out of room in your belly and your ribs start hurting
9. Just feeling fat ALL the time
10. Having to resort to wearing your husbands t-shirts because yours do not fit anymore :)
11. Stress of making sure the baby was okay at all times
12. Having to watch what you ate

This is just my list and all I can think of at the moment!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Family Time?

Lyle and I always knew we would start a family one day and were more than excited about becoming a mother and father.  Becoming a mother was always something I was very eager about becoming and could not wait till the time was right to start trying to have a baby.  Well Lyle and I knew that we wanted to make sure we were financially good before we started trying to start our family.  Lyle knew his job at Publix was secure and he was in the process of trying to get promoted.  I, being a teacher, knew that my job was not as "stable."  By the time Lyle and I had gotten married I was in my second year of teaching.  Well it takes teachers three years to be what they call tenured.  That basically means you have job security (as long as you keep doing what you are supposed too).  I of course being a control freak wanted to try and wait till I had tenured.  So that meant one more year before we could "start trying."  Well of course after my second year of teaching, the education world hit a snag and schools were starting to cut teachers and make class sizes bigger.  I luckily was hired back for my third year :)  So that meant I just had to survive one more year of being hired back.  Lyle of course wanted to start anyways, but I just wanted to wait to see if I did get tenured.  Normally it is the girl who has to beg the guy to agree, but that was not us!  Well, it was finally the time of the year when schools start planning how many teachers they will have for the next year.  I of course was FREAKING OUT..... I just needed to be hired back ONE MORE TIME (oh the life of a teacher)!!!  If you know me..... I started stressing about being hired back, probably around September.  The teachers I work with were tired of hearing my comments.  Well it was April and I knew my principal had, had "The Meeting."  See each year she has a staffing meeting with the Hoover Board and they tell her how many teachers she can have for the next year.  I knew I would find out soon.  It was a day I will never forget..... my principal came into my room (this was normal, so I did not think anything about it).  Well I was working with one of my students and she started walking towards me.  Normally she just steps in and watches, so I was a little thrown off when she started walking towards me.  I just figured she was checking up on what the student was doing.  Well she said "Abbey..... you get to come back next year!"  I literally started crying and hugging her.  I was going to be tenured...... two thoughts ran through my head: 1) I wanted a new car and 2) I wanted to "start trying"

So I immediately called Lyle the second I got the chance.  I at first made him think I had lost my job!  It was very funny and he was very sweet.  When I got home that day I informed him of wanting a new car (mine was 10 years old) and that I was ready to start growing our family.  He of course was already ready and was just waiting for me to jump on board. 

I will not go into too many details (if you want you can ask!)...... Lyle and I started officially "trying" for Baby Northington in April of 2011.  Well nothing happened that month.  I of course (being a person who thinks negatively) started worrying about if I could even get pregnant.  I even started looking at adoption blogs.  We tried again in May and................ BAM Baby Northington was created!!!!!!!

The day we found out.....
Once again I can remember this day like it happened yesterday!  Well that weekend before I found out, I was feeling a little quesy and my sense of smell was very intense.  I kinda thought maybe I was pregnant?  Well then I started cramping like I was about to get my monthly present.  So I thought I was not pregnant.  I even told Lyle I was cramping and about to start.  I told him I was sad that I was not pregnant.  That was June 6th 2011.  On June 7th I got my hair done.  I was getting my hair highlighted this time around.  My aunt is my hairdresser, and her and I started talking about how when your pregnant it takes longer for you hair to come up when you get it highlighted (due to the hormones).  Well my hair took FOREVER!  I did not think to much of it because I was cramping and just figured it took so long due to I had not had it highlighted in a while. 

June 8th 6:45 am
The dogs woke up and needed to go potty.  Well after my hair taking so long to color and my monthly present had still not come.... I thought maybe I should take a pregnancy test. I had one in the cabinet, so I followed the steps and left it on the counter.  I took the dogs out and went back to look at it.  By the way the whole time Lyle was sound asleep still in the bed.  I was shocked to see two pink lines..... I WAS PREGNANT!!!!!!  I of course started shouting and ran to tell Lyle.  I always imagined finding a cute way to tell him, but that all went out the window with my excitment.  Lyle of course was so happy and was smiling ear to ear.  I told him I had to go to the store and get more tests.  He told me to come back to bed and we would later.  He was crazy..... no way I could go back to bed.  So off to the store I went.  I bought $30 dollars of pregnancy tests.  They all came back positive too :)

We went to the doctor two weeks later and they confirmed it..... Baby Northington was due February 15, 2012!!!!!