Saturday, December 29, 2012

10 Months...

Parker you turned 10 months 10 days ago.  So I am a little behind but better late than never!  I am writing this post as I sit and watch you play with your millions of toys that you got for Christmas.  You truly are a blessed little boy and an even more blessing to your Mommy and Daddy.

You currently weigh around 21 pounds.  At your 9 month check up you were about 28 1/2 inches long.   You wear a size 4 diaper.  You wear 9 month, 12 month, and some 18 month (pants) clothing.

We still do not keep you on a set schedule which has worked out best for us.  It is funny because before you were born I thought I would be a "schedule" person and told myself I was going to be strict about it.  Somehow that all changed and it has worked just fine.  I think it would be a little difficult to keep you on a strict schedule because everyday is different for you.  Plus we like to sleep in on the weekend and so do you!  In general you are very predictable and nap around the same time each day.

Speaking of naps.... this is still very inconsistent.  You take GREAT naps at Mother's Day Out.  They some how get you to take a 2-3 hour nap EVERY time you go.  One time you napped pretty much they whole time you were there :) I have asked what their tricks are and if they will come get you to nap on the weekends.  But in general you take at least an hour nap otherwise.  You still take 2 to 3 naps a day, which is wonderful.

You still love to eat!  You only get table food now and are doing a great job at feeding yourself.  I cannot remember the last time you had baby food.  I try and make sure you eat healthy choices but you have had the occasional "bad" foods.  I love getting to be able to feed you real food!  You have your favorite foods (watermelon) but in general there has not been really anything you refuse to eat.  You still get about 4 bottles a day.  You are becoming very attached to your bottle and we refer to it as your "crack."  We are almost to the point of not having to buy any more formula, might throw a party on that day.  You also get juice/water during the day and you drink from your sippy cup like a pro.

You still go to bed around 8 every night without a fight.  As long as you are not battling teething or and ear infection you sleep great at night.  If it is a work day I wake you up around 6:30 and if it is not a work day you sleep till around 7.

You enjoy going to Mother's Day Out three days a week and your teachers are wonderful.  They say you are an angel while there and you love to play with all the toys.  You got to stay for Extended Hours three times and your teachers said you had a blast staying longer.  We are thinking about letting you stay extra every once in a while.  Mommy enjoyed letting you stay because I got to pick you up one day and it was a joy to see you smile real big when you saw me.

You of course love going to your G and Gar's house every morning.  You and your G love snuggling on the couch and napping together.  She says I spoil you but I would have to argue that she spoils you more.  You also love playing with your Gar in the afternoons when he gets home.  I still feel extremely blessed to have this option and do not know what I would do without it.

You currently have 8 teeth, 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom.  You got all 8 teeth in 2 months!  In general the only time your teeth seemed to bother you was at night, which caused some long nights :)

You got your 3rd and 4th ear infection.  The third one was rough because you face swelled up.  It stayed swollen for almost 3 days.  Your 4th infection was a doozy.  It did not phase you at all, just a snooty nose.  The first 3 infections were all in your right ear and the last one was in your left.  Dr. Crum said she is not ready to talk about tubes just yet and that is fine with us.

You crawl around GREAT and pull up GREAT.  Overall, you get around so well.  This of course causes you to find ways to get into quite a bit and at times in trouble.  You are very busy and do not sit still very long.  Every once in a while you will pause and lay down and it is so cute.  This only last about 10 seconds though :)  You just love to crawl around and explore the house.  You have mastered how to open cabinets and drawers.  You have found the toilet and enjoyed playing in the water a couple of times.  The fire place was also not off limits to your exploration!  Every once in a while you will let go of what you are holding on to and stand on your own for a little bit.  In general you don't seem too interested in walking and that is fine.  You don't pay to much attention to the TV (which Mommy is happy about) but you LOVE to watch Sesame Street videos on the iPad/iPhone.

You are a happy and fun loving baby and are so much fun to watch!  Your little mind just goes and goes.  I have a feeling you are going to be all boy :) When put into a new situation, it takes you a little while to warm up and feel comfortable.  So you are a little hesitant and that is fine.  You still love to cuddle to go to sleep and I LOVE that.  You LOVE your Daddy.  You still love Jasper but lately have been all about Dixie.  Dixie of course wishes you would forget about her :)  You love to be on the go and watching everything around you.  You "talk" all the time.  Of course you say the dada and mama sound all the time but I am pretty sure you do not know what they mean yet.  At times you even love to scream for fun!  I love to tickle you because you giggle and smile real big.  There is so much that I love about you.

Parker I cannot believe you are 10 months old and I am starting to plan your first birthday party.  You truly are a joy and such a wonderful baby.  You are laid back and easy going.  Mommy and Daddy love you more than anything!