Saturday, May 5, 2012


Overall I had a WONDERFUL pregnancy.  My whole pregnancy was by the book (my doctor even used that phrase several times).  In the beginning I was only sick, sick a couple of times.  It was a HORRIBLE feeling.  There was even one time I might of said that I would never get pregnant again :)  I am not very good at being a happy person while feeling sick to your stomach.  The good thing was that it was summer and I was not working.  So I could lay around!  I was also exhausted in the beginning and had BAD indigestion.  By the time school started back up I was in the second trimester and felt like a new person.  Second trimester flew by and I really did feel wonderful.  Two major things happened during the second trimester 1) We found out we were having a BOY!!!!  2) We had our first and only problem.  During our 4D ultrasound they discovered something abnormal.  They thought it was an amniotic band at first (which is very scary and can be dangerous to the baby) so they sent me to UAB to get a "fancy" ultrasound.  Off we went very scared.... however luckily it turned out to be something different.  It was actually a uterine septum.  I was born with it and really would present no problems to the baby.  (A side note.... my OB does want me to have it removed before I get pregnant again due to it can cause miscarriages.  She was surprised we had no problems with it in this pregnancy)  The third trimester went well too.  Towards the end I was VERY tired and got a little uncomfortable.  It was hard to get comfortable sitting on the couch and getting up.  My feet never swelled and I was able to work up till he was born.  I was also also able to wear most of my tops throughout my pregnancy!  I feel very blessed to have had a great and easy going pregnancy!  I will be honest and say that being pregnant was not that much fun (even though I had a great pregnancy).  You always hear people say how they LOVE being pregnant..... not me.  The only thing I loved was feeling him move around inside of me and that was all.

I just want to give huge thank you to my WONDERFUL and AMAZING doctor, Dr. Allison Heaton at Henderson and Walton.  I absolutely LOVE her and trust her.  She made the whole process fun and relaxing.  She has a great personality that matches mine and she is not afraid to tell you the truth.  I am really sad I will not get to see her on a monthly basis.  I almost want to get pregnant right away just so I get to see her.  It was really sad when I realized at my last appointment that I was not going to get to see her every month.  But on the bright side.... I will get to see her later this year when I have surgery to remove the septum.  Never thought I would look forward to having surgery!  THANK YOU DR. HEATON..... YOU ARE A SPECIAL PERSON!  

Scroll past the pictures for a fun Pregnancy Likes/Dislikes!

9 Weeks
13 Weeks
16 Weeks
20 Weeks
31 Weeks
38 Weeks
40 Weeks


Pregnancy Likes:
1. Shopping for baby stuff!!!
2. Feeling him move inside my belly!
3. Telling everyone
4. Having the best excuse to eat like you want and no one could say anything!
5. Having an excuse to not do things like clean the house
6. My sweet kindergarten students asking me sweet and funny questions about "Baby Parker" 

Pregnancy Dislikes:
1. Indigestion
2. Morning/Afternoon/Evening Sickness
3. Not fitting into your clothes.... and it was not fun shopping for clothes
4. Having to go through about 10 different outfits before you finally find something that looks decent
5. Having to use the bathroom
6. Feeling like a roly poly by the third trimester
7. Having to wait in the doctors office once a month (even though I loved my doctor)
8. Running out of room in your belly and your ribs start hurting
9. Just feeling fat ALL the time
10. Having to resort to wearing your husbands t-shirts because yours do not fit anymore :)
11. Stress of making sure the baby was okay at all times
12. Having to watch what you ate

This is just my list and all I can think of at the moment!

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