Sunday, October 28, 2012

8 Months

So I know every time I say I am going to be better about blogging.... I end up getting carried away in life and forget.  I really promise I am going to TRY and do a better job.

So here is an update on everything Parker!

Parker you are now a whopping 8 months old!!!  I cannot believe how quick it has gone by and there is only 4 more short months before your first birthday.  You weigh about 19 1/2 pounds and wearing 6-9 month clothing.  You are wearing size 3 diapers.

Overall, you are a fun loving, happy, easy going, sweet, shy baby.  You have changed drastically since the 4 month post (obviously) and change everyday.  You are officially crawling EVERY WHERE and love to be on the move.  You are happy and content to just crawl around the house and see what you can get into.  You also LOVE to pull up on anything to stand.  The first place you pulled up on was the bathtub one night, so Daddy immediately went and lowered your bed.  Thankfully he did because about two days later you were standing up in your bed one morning when Mommy went in there to get you!  You constantly have a bruise on you somewhere.  You like to think you are bigger than you really are, so you get hurt frequently.  This of course breaks my heart.  We also have to keep the dog's water bowl up now, because if it is down you go straight for it and love to splash around.  You LOVE Jasper and giggle at him all the time.  We love to tickle you because it always produces smiles and giggles!

You have a total of three teeth now.  You got the left,bottom, center tooth first around 7 months.  A little later you broke two teeth at one time.  One on your top and the other center bottom one.  Overall, teething has not been too terrible for you.  You were a little cranky right before you broke the two teeth at the same time.  Your poor G had to handle you that day and she was REALLY glad to see Mommy come get you right after she got off work!  I am pretty sure another one of your top teeth is working it's way out.

You LOVE to eat and luckily are not a picky eater (hopefully this continues).  We feed you breakfast, lunch, and dinner with bottles and snacks in between.  We do not follow a strict schedule with the times we feed you.  You are a go with the flow baby and this allows freedom (which Mommy loves).  You have had several table foods (thanks to your G) and get mad if we are eating around you without giving you some food too.  One night you even got to chew on a pizza crust and LOVED it.  I hope you continue to be a great eater and look forward to only feeding you real food.  I have been saying when you turn a year old, we are going cold turkey from the bottles!  I am OVER washing and worrying about bottles.  We will see how that goes :)

You still go to bed regularly around 8:00pm without a fight (hope this continues too).  We give you a bath and bottle around 7:30 and by 8:00ish you are done!  As far as night time goes, you are not consistent with your sleep patterns but it is not horrible.  You sometimes get up once a night and sometimes not at all.  Some nights you just need rocking back to sleep and other nights it requires a bottle.  Lately, some nights I have waited to see if you will put yourself back to sleep and you have!!!  Pretty much you are ready for a bottle around 5:00amish and will go back to sleep till it is time to leave around 6:20ish during the week and sleep till 7:00ish on the weekends.  Your naps are still very inconsistent in length but you do nap!  You typically take 2-3 naps a day.  We do not follow scheduled nap times either but you take them around the same time each day.

You have had two ear infections back to back around 6 months but luckily have been healthy since.  You do get a runny nose every once in a while but that is all.  Hopefully we can stay healthy for a while!

You enjoy going to Mother's Day Out three days a week and I have been extremely pleased with your teachers and school.  You go to Green Valley Baptist Weekday.  They seem to really love on the babies and take great care of you.  One day another baby bit you!!!  I of course freaked out for about 5 minutes but the teacher came out in me after that and I was okay.  You of course were not phased by it at all.  Your teachers say you are very calm and easy going.  They say you typically like to take it all in and watch.  I love that you get to play with other children and will learn how to interact socially.

You love going to your G's house every morning and smile when you see her!  I of course love having her take care of you.  I get tons of pictures during the day and we even FaceTime each other every once in a while.  You also got to come up to the school and meet Mommy's students one day.  G takes excellent care of you and Papa Gar plays with you in the afternoon.  I feel blessed to have this option.

Parker you are a true joy and I love you to pieces.  My favorite thing is to sit back and watch you think.  I can see your little mind at work and I love it.  I think you have a shy side and at times can be hesitant.  However, you can be very sociable and love to smile and talk to others.

My other favorite thing is that you know who I am!!!  You smile at me all the time and reach for me.  I can still remember the first time you reached for me while someone else was holding you.  Can I just say that will forever be one of my most fondest memories.  Now you will crawl towards me and I love that as well!  I of course think you reach and smile at me more than you do for anyone else, but I am sure your Daddy would disagree.

We love you more than anything and thank God everyday that he gave you to us!

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