Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Four Months...

Four Months...

The BEST month so far!

Parker is such a happy baby this month!!!  He smiles and giggles all the time and is becoming a little bit of a mess.  I can already tell I am going to have my hands full when he gets older :)

He had his four month check-up this month.  He weighed 16 pounds (75th%) and was 26 inches long (90th%).  Looks like he is going to be a tall boy like his daddy!  He did great with the two shots he had to get.  He did not even cry until the second shot was over.  He only cried for a couple of seconds and then was fine.  He even did great afterwards while Mommy and G shopped.  Dr. Stone said he looked great!

Sleep: Parker is still doing great with the whole sleeping at night.  He goes to bed around 8pm.  Around 7:30 I give him a bath and then a bottle.  Right after he finishes the bottle I rock him for a little while and he goes right to sleep.  In general he does not fight going to bed.  I hope this is always true :)  I only have to get up once to feed him around 2:30-3.  He still goes RIGHT back to sleep after he eats.  This month he also slept through the night for the first time (8pm-5am).  It was great!  He is not consistent at it yet but I think he will be very soon.

Naps: Ha ha.... naps are still very inconsistent.  Sometimes he will nap for over an hour and other times only for 30 minutes.  The positive is he does nap!  During the day he can still only go about 2 hours and then is ready for a nap.  Sometimes it is less than 2 hours depending on how long his nap was!  I am really hoping one day we can be more "scheduled" about his nap times.

Food: He is still drinking a 6oz bottle about every 3 hours during the day.  He also gets some cereal around lunch time.  He LOVES to eat!  We are going to start baby food soon.

First: Parker took his very first trip this month to the beach!  He did great.  I will say not being able to put sunscreen on him does make things a little more challenging.  He enjoyed the beach but LOVED the pool.  He is a water baby!  Another first was sleeping through the night.

Likes: baths, being outside, his jumperoo, watching Jasper, his bottle, being rocked to sleep, his fingers!

Dislikes: being hungry, being tired

Overall, Parker is a wonderful baby and it is a joy to watch him change on a daily basis.  I am really going to miss spending my days with him when I go back to work.

1 comment:

  1. Loved all your posts! And yes blogging is hard! It wasn't around really or popular when Savannah was born...and well the baby book was even hard for me to even get to as well! It is so hard those first few months trying to figure out the role of motherhood and how it changes you as a woman in so many ways. Things you thought you were never capable of, you finally get a grasp of how strong God really makes us as mothers to handle what can seem as the impossible! ;-) So it sounds like you made it through those first 3 toughest months alive and ok! ;-) I remember Savannah was 6 months old for her first Christmas and she was so much fun & cute at that age!! 6-12 months was such a fun time with her to watch her grow & learn so much! Every stage/phase will bring fun & joy...and some tough times too for the parents lol!
