Monday, July 9, 2012

Two Months

I was ready to give up on the blogging world.... but my mom talked me back into it!  She informed me that I could use it as a form of "scrapbook" for Parker and that I would enjoy having it to look back on. So here we go....

Two Months....

The beginning of the the second month of Parker's existence was still a little rough.  I still had not completely adjusted to my new role/job and Parker was still adjusting too.  Towards the end of the second month is when things started getting "easier."  I started learning how to be a good mommy to Parker and started knowing what he needed.

I also adjusted to my new sleep schedule and this made things much better!  Everyone tells you to sleep when the baby is sleeping.  This is probably the BEST advice someone can give you.  Do not worry about your house, laundry, or anything else.  If you are not getting enough sleep everything will fall apart.

Parker had his two month check-up this month and his first round of shots.  He weighed 12 pounds and was 23 inches long!  Overall he did great with the THREE shots he had to get.  He of course cried but it was very short lived and he was smiling by the time we got to the car.  I thought it would be hard for me to watch but it was not as horrible as I thought it would be.  

Parker started sleeping better at night this month.  We still had some long nights but overall he started adjusting to sleeping at night better.

At the end of the month he rolled over from his belly to his back for the first time!!!  It was by far the cutest thing I had ever seen and I was so proud of him.  

The most memorable memory from this month though was my six week check-up with my OB, Dr. Heaton.  Lyle had to work on the day of my appointment and my mom had something planned.  I thought I could handle going on my own with Parker.  My mom did offer to cancel her appointment and come, but I told her I would be fine.  Hahahaha..... was I wrong.  Everything that morning started off great.  I got myself and him ready and to the doctor on time.  I was so proud of this accomplishment.     Of course my doctor was on call that day, which meant it was going to be a long wait.  About 15 minutes after we got there Parker got fussy.  I was able to subdue this fussiness and he seemed fine.  Then all of the sudden..... I was in BIG TROUBLE.  He decided to have a COMPLETE MELT DOWN.  Nothing worked... the paci, bottle, NOTHING.  I tried my best to subdue this meltdown.  I of course got very flustered and decided to just leave (after about ten minutes of him crying in the waiting room).  So I did!  I did not even tell them I was leaving.... but I think they figured it out.  Parker cried screamed ALL the way to the car.  Yes, even in the elevator!!!  The second I got to the car I lost it.  I called Lyle and my mom in tears.  Finally, Parker fell asleep and I met up with my mom :)  They called me and said "We take it you had to leave."  Um you think!!!  Luckily they let me come back later that afternoon (I think they felt bad for me!)  I OF COURSE took my mom with me this time around.  And of course Parker was an angel.  I joked with the nurses that I brought his twin brother this time.  Wow what a day!

Overall, I still LOVE being a mommy and feel blessed to be Parker's mommy!

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